Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why I make art

I have performed this exercise before and if I remember correctly it didn't go well the first time. In the midst of having an emotional art making breakdown, I had decided I make art for me and that was that. Anyone who had a comment or disagreement about it could take it elsewhere.

How Trees Work, mixed media on wood, 2007
That was about six years ago now and it is amazing to see how much my life has changed since then and my intentions as an artist. Writing poetry in fleeting moments of adolescent love, living in complete idealism with nothing at stake, traveling for months at a time, risk-taking at the expense of no one (except maybe your parents), all I have moved on from. I will admit all of those things were great for creativity, and I often look back at previous paintings and crave those moments back.

But presently, why do I make art? While I don't have any passionate heartbreak or fleeting moment of individuality to create art about, I do have a very serious and passionate intention. The future of our planet instantly becomes most imperative when you bring a little one into this world. It is not us that will pay the price, it will be our children.  She has influenced me in a way no heartbreak, or solo trip to South America could ever do.

Tending to a relationship with the environment, ultimately becomes a tending to others and can inspire potential change. This relationship with our environment is what I would like to confront through my work. How can we cultivate mindfulness to become more aware of our environment?

There is no denying that art is a selfish act, but motherhood is a self-less act. The combination of the two have created a very interesting place in my present life. One that requires considerable management in order to strive towards both continuously with dedication and drive. 

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