Thursday, December 1, 2011

air born

The moment my daughter took her first breath is one I will never forget. She was born into air.

With wind gusts of up to 70 mph in Salt Lake City and the valley drenched in smog, I thought today might be the perfect opportunity to speak about air. Our air does all sorts of things; it brings in weather, it pollinates, it allows us to breathe. Air is also completely taken for granted. We live in it, for it and with it every second of our lives. What's not to love about air? We couldn't love, let alone LIVE, without it. Which makes it a really important thing for us to consider protecting.

The valley of Salt Lake City was missing this morning. It had sunk beneath pollution, a reminder of what we pump into our air heating our home, driving our car, mining for goods; habitual tasks.

It is so easy to get caught in the everyday. Much of the time we just want to get to tomorrow and forget about what we have today, taking those things for granted like the air we breathe. Since having my daughter, I like to consider what needs to be taken care of today so that she can have it tomorrow.

My most recent body of work begins a study of air - clouds, weather, pollution. The Misunderstanding of Clouds, opens December 8th in New York, NY.

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