During an art discussion I participated in last week with a few local artists, we talked about the definition of success. What does it mean to be a successful artist? How does one qualify as such? Is it money, exhibitions, education, gallery representation?
Throughout my time at graduate school the route of success was quite specific; get as many shows as possible at the very best galleries, take risks in your work, while maintaining the status quo. Seems like quite a conundrum to me. How can you take risks when you are given such boundaries? What if I don't want to create installations?
There is also a status quo in the role as a mom; feed your baby organic, make sure they have adequate naps, study vaccinations carefully, never allow passive learning, breast feed for at least a year (the list continues). Neither the status quo of mothering nor that of the contemporary art world remind us to ask what is best for us.
In about two weeks I will have nursed my daughter for an entire year. For some women this might seem as an easy feat, but for me it was quite a struggle. (If I could count how many hours I have sat locked in that rocking chair) And yet, even as I approach a year I have asked myself if that is enough and, should I go on? How far can the status quo go? What is enough? How often do moms ask if they have done enough for themselves?
There are many different routes to success as an artist. Just as there are in being a mother. I have begun weaning Ila to milk; I have done enough. And I have to ask; can I get a milkshake with that?
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